Plot synopsis
For the amusement of Queen Elizabeth I, the court magician summons the spirit guide, Ariel (a character from Shakespeare’s The Tempest), who promises to take her to the future.
The Queen and her escorts arrive in late 20th-century Britain. They soon discover that law and order has broken down. Punk values of anti-establishment and anti-royalty now dominate, and Queen Elizabeth II has been murdered.
We follow three punk girls in a documentary style format, who entertain themselves with drugs, alcohol and occasional murder for kicks.
My comments
The story would still have worked without the time travel, as it was not essential to the plot. It was only used to contrast the values of the past to those of the present. Another plot device could have been used with equal effect.
Summary of time travel
A group travel into the future. We do not know whether their absence has made a difference to the timeline, as they don’t go back in time to find out. Therefore, this is another example of a future timeline.
Category of time travel
Fantasy: magic
Model of time
Undefined past, open future with a future timeline.