Plot synopsis
George Bailey has spent all of his life helping to fulfil the dreams of his fellow townspeople. And in the process, he gives up all of his personal dreams.
His uncle loses an envelope at the bank that contains $8,000. As a result, George’s company will go bankrupt, and he will be held responsible.
When George learns his life assurance policy is worth more than he is, he goes to a bridge to commit suicide by jumping off. He meets an angel there called Clarence, who will earn his wings, if he can save George.
George tells Clarence that he wishes he had never been born, so Clarence grants him his wish by showing him an alternate history. They spend several days in this world, where none of his friends or family recognise him, as he had never been born.
He can see how their lives turned out for the worse without him, thus realising what an impact his life had on the whole of the town. He returns to his world, happy to be alive and with his family and friends.
My comments
Clarence, the angel, shows George an alternate timeline in which he was not born.
Note similar concepts are used in the films, The Family Man (2000) and Me Myself I (1999).
Summary of time travel
By seeing this alternate world, George is able to gain knowledge. He brings this back to his own timeline and changes his future for the better.
He interacts with the alternate world causing changes, but he does not travel back in time in either timeline, so the past of both timelines is undefined.
Category of time travel
Psychological: angels.
Model of time
Undefined past, open future with a parallel timeline.