Plot synopsis
In the distant future, an evil maniac called De Nomolos creates robot versions of Bill and Ted. He sends the doppelgangers back to the present using a stolen phone box time machine to kill the original pair and replace them.
He wants to alter the present to create a more favourable future for himself. Once the boys realise they are dead, they find a way to bring themselves back to life by outwitting the Grim Reaper.
They then rescue their girlfriends and take them in a time machine to another time and place, where they marry, have children and become highly skilled musicians.
They return to the present at the instant after leaving and therefore win the Battle of the Bands. This means the future reverts to the original one described in the previous film.
My comments
This film brings up the question about the afterlife existing in a timeless world parallel to ours. Unfortunately, that topic is not within the narrow scope of this project.
The boys also travelled to another time and place, where they became expert musicians. We do not know whether this was the future or past, or whether it was it another parallel universe. So, I can only analyse what we know, i.e. the movements of De Nomolos starting in his present.
Summary of time travel
De Nomolos travels back in time and changes the timeline by having Bill and Ted killed, so the past is open. This film uses a double-well timeline because the presence of De Nomolos is not enough to change destiny. He needs to kill the boys, before the timeline can diverge forever.
However, he does not count on the boys coming back from death, which causes the timeline to converge back so the original future is restored.
Category of time travel
Science fiction: a time-travel vehicle.
Model of time
Open past, open future with a double-well timeline.